Enterprises that rely on Big Data understand how important it is to have control over their data infrastructure. If data analytics power your daily operations, decisions about how — and where — data is stored, processed, and analyzed are critical for your business.
Apache Hadoop is the open source technology running behind many open-core data platforms offered by cloud-hosting and managed services providers like Cloudera. However, giving a third party complete control of your Big Data stack puts you at risk for vendor lock-in, unpredictable expenses, and in some cases, being forced to the public cloud. Many organizations are now seeking open source alternatives that will allow them to keep their data on-prem and their deployment costs low.
In response, OpenLogic is excited to introduce the Hadoop Service Bundle, an open source-based alternative to the Cloudera Data Platform.
About the Webinar
In this on-demand webinar, OpenLogic's Matthew Weier O’Phinney (Senior Product Manager), Tim Carroll (Director of Product Development), and Tendai Munetsi (Enterprise Solutions Architect) will provide details about the Hadoop Service Bundle and discuss:
- The evolution of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
- Cloudera’s proprietary tools vs. equivalent open source technologies in the OpenLogic Open Source Hadoop Stack
- Security and compliance risks with migrating to the public cloud
- How our side-by-side installation, migration, and cutover process works
- And more!
Join us to discover how organizations can reduce their annual Big Data management costs up to 60% by switching to an open source Hadoop stack monitored and supported by OpenLogic.
Want Pricing for the Hadoop Service Bundle?
Additional Resources
- Case Study - Catalina Enhances Their Big Data Infrastructure
- Datasheet - Hadoop Service Bundle