Get CentOS 7 Support That Meets Your Needs

SLA-Backed Support from Real Linux Experts

Get your questions answered by Linux experts with a minimum of 15 years of experience with complex enterprise deployments. 

Easy to Consume

Our patches can be accessed from a secure, private repository; no agent or extra registration is required. 

Security and Compliance After CentOS 7 Support EOL

Need to meet internal or external compliance standards? With CentOS 7 LTS from OpenLogic, you can safely stay on CentOS while you plan your migration.

Trusted by the Global 500 and Beyond

Image OL Stars


"OpenLogic's EOL/long-term support maintenance capabilities are crucial to our Linux Deployments."

-Operations Director

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a quote?

Complete the form at the top of the page and one of our team members will reach out to get information about your specific Linux environment in order to provide a quote. We can provide quotes for CentOS 7 extended support and other CentOS7 support end date needs.

When was CentOS 7 EOL?

CentOS 7 EOL happened on June 30, 2024. We advise those running CentOS 7 to get CentOS 7 end of life support to keep your systems protected while you plan a migration.

Our company wants to migrate to a different Linux distribution, can OpenLogic help with that?

OpenLogic has a wealth of experience in facilitating migrations from CentOS to enterprise-viable distros like Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Fedora, and more. Talk to an expert today to see how we can help make your CentOS migration a success.

Can OpenLogic help me choose a RHEL alternative?

Yes! OpenLogic prides itself on being solution agnostic. That means we recommend the best Linux distribution for you, no matter what. Whether you are seeking a proprietary or open source operating system, we can help you decide which distro makes the most sense for your business.